Subota, 23 studenoga, 2024

Bolesno: Manekenka tvrdi da je tajkun tjerao psa na seks s njom


Manekenka Dejana Munira, koju Toni Tutouni tuži jer je navodno seksualno uzbuđivala njegovog psa tokom snimanja, s druge strane tvrdi da je ona jedina žrtva u cijeloj priči.

Prema njenoj priči, fotografisala se kraj bazena kad joj je prišao ruski kraljevski terijer Hef i počeo da skače na nju. Tutouni pak tvrdi da Dejana seksualno uzbuđivala psa dirajući njegove genitalije.

Ona tvrdi da je Tutoni seksualno zlostavljao psa i poticao ga da skače na nju. U jednom trenutku na snimku koji je objavila vidi se kako se pas trlja o nju te joj prednje šape stavlja na zadnjicu.

“TMZ” je objavio snimak koji mu je Dejana dala, a na njemu se čuje kako joj Tutouni govorio da dopusti psu da joj ponjuši zadnjicu te psa poticao na seksualni čin. Osim psa, tvrdi da je na nju navalio i njegov vlasnik, koji ju je šlatao i nagovarao da odu u njegovu sobu. Za “TMZ” je rekla da je snimak objavila jer nije željela da to Tutoni napravi prvi.

“Želim da ljudi znaju da u ovoj industriji postoje ljudi poput njega koji nas žele iskoristiti na svaki mogući način”, rekla je.

Tutonijevi advokati izjavili su da je problem nastao kad je Dejana objavila snimak koji narušava ugled njihovog klijenta.

“Ako su joj smetali postupci našeg klijenta i njegovog psa, zašto se na snimku smije? Zašto je satima ostala tamo nakon završetka snimanja?”, rekli su.

A few weeks ago, I was asked to model for a shoot at a house by a professional photographer. By the time I got there, Tony insisted on taking my photos instead. His skills consisted of him taking photos of me with his phone, specifically of my boobs & butt. During this entire amateur shoot with Tony, I was very uncomfortable bc Tony was harassing me, verbally & sexually. He forcibly grabbed me inappropriately & tried to get me into his room several times as I walked around and he continued to do so even after I repeatedly told him to stop. He provoked his dog to hump me & told me to allow it. This video has Tony’s voice telling me to allow his dog to take these actions and says, “let him do it, “fuck her” & “I almost had it, go back…just stand there and let him sniff your butt.” I felt vulnerable in this situation & tried to get myself out of this environment as best as I could because I genuinely feared for my own safety and well-being. Before I attempted to leave, I asked for the photos taken of me, he refused to send me the photos or videos & didn’t provide any reason as to why. I ultimately was able to get video clips of myself, but after I had to act calm even though I wanted to escape the situation. In fear of Tony showing these humiliating videos to his friends & the public in general, I posted the video of myself & the dog as a comedy video on my own IG page to try to redeem myself because the video of me is completely mortifying. Tony later posted the same video of me on his IG page, but the difference in the two videos is that he will never post the original videos because he is the one recording me with his voice in the background. Tony has forced my hand by further publicly defaming my reputation on TMZ. I want the entertainment industry & the public in general to be aware of people like Tony who want to use you in every way they can including but not limited to sexual and inappropriate acts. No one should be subjected to this treatment in any industry. I sincerely hope that the public take note of this situation and understand that I seek to expose predators like him. Thank you to all my friends and fans for your continuous love and support.💕

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